Angelo Dellomo Provides Guidance for Parents Looking to Keep Their Kids Engaged in Education Over The Summer

Angelo Dellomo Mays Landing

As readers of this website understand, Angelo Dellomo of Mays Landing is a retired math teacher who taught math for four decades. Because of his background, he is often asked for educational advice from friends and family. During this time of year, Angelo Dellomo of Mays Landing encourages parents to consider how they will help their children keep their educational skills sharp during summer vacation.

While Angelo Dellomo is a strong proponent of kids enjoying all the fun that comes with summer vacation, there should still be some time when learning is made the priority. Most math teachers will tell you that they typically need to start a new school year with a refresher on the lessons learned the previous year. Because math progresses and often builds off one lesson to the next, it can be difficult for students to keep up once they fall behind. By avoiding brain drain in the summer, Angelo Dellomo notes that students can be set up to hit the ground running when September rolls back around.

For starters, Angelo Dellomo implores parents to hold their kids accountable for their summer reading assignments. These reading assignments are designed to keep reading skills sharp. To get kids excited about reading, Angelo Dellomo recommends a family visit to the local library and allowing kids to explore the shelves and select appropriate books that interest them. Whether a child shows an interest in biographies of historic figures or the Harry Potter series, the important thing is that they are given the opportunity to unlock their imaginations.

For math, there are plenty of great books that provide questions based on a child’s grade level. By completing just a few pages a week, a student can improve their confidence for the year ahead. Parents can typically grade the work by turning to the answers provided in the back of the book. Always ask the child to show their work as their understanding of the concept behind the problems is essential.

While there are many companion learning programs via apps on mobile tablets, Angelo Dellomo recommends sticking to paperback or hardback books. There are too many temptations to drift to different websites or social media platforms when kids are meant to be utilizing these programs. By utilizing traditional books, kids will get a much-needed break from digital devices. This can also help children avoid issues with eye strain. Parents often set the tone for a child’s summer behavior with how they act. It’s easier to allow everyone in the house to spend time on their phone and enjoy the air conditioning. However, parents who organize nature walks and visits to local museums can help keep their kids engaged and learning.

Summer trips can provide many learning opportunities. Every trip offers the opportunity to play games with educational benefits. For instance, there have been countless trivia games published that can test every child’s grasp of history, math, English, and more. Choosing these games over I Spy With My Little Eye can make a significant impact over time.

Writing skills can sometimes deteriorate during the summer months. To combat this, Angelo Dellomo of Mays Landing asks parents to consider having their children keep a journal. Even spending five to ten minutes a night to recap Blog on the events of the day can keep writing skills sharp. As the kids grow older, they will love having these journals to look back on and reminisce about past summers.

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